Beginners Checklist

How to know if you are ready for improvers (level 2) 

Most people will do the beginner level 4 week course 2-3 times (some will do more some will do less). We actively encourage repeating at least once (particularly leaders) because we want you to be completely comfortable with your basics and have a good initial grasp of leading and following techniques before you move up to the next level. If not, you could potentially slow down/ impact the class you are moving into. 

Please take a look at the guide below to ask yourself these questions to help determine whether you are ready for the next level. If you have any doubts or questions please let your instructor know. 

  • Have I attended all 4 weeks of the course? Most people entering level 2 improvers have 8-12 weeks experience. Whilst some people pick things up quicker than others you cannot enter level 2 with less than 4 weeks experience.

  • Have I mastered the basic steps? Can I do all the basics steps comfortably and change between them without thinking to mid tempo music? Is my basic step smooth and flowing? Am I transferring my weight correctly? If you still have to think about the steps, or your transitions aren’t smooth and easy then it’s worth repeating the beginners course and focussing on the details.

  • Am I leading correctly? Can I get most followers to recognise my lead in the basics most of the time.

  • Am I following correctly? Am I picking up on leads without the guy having to apply more force to get me to do what he wants me to do? Am I following the lead for the basics most of the time with most leads.

  • Am I comfortable with the basic cross body lead? This is the foundation of this style of salsa and the building block on which lots of similar moves and techniques are built. You must be able to understand and execute this step correctly and confidently as it is the assumed base knowledge for the next level where you will learn a lot of different versions.

  • Am I starting to get to grips wth the timing of salsa music?  Whilst we would not expect you to be able to consistently find the 1 at this level you do need to be able hold a consistent rhythm of weight transfer with your feet. This means you can lead followers whilst maintaining your footwork at the same time. For followers it means you keep your stepping/ weight transfer consistent regardless of what move you are lead into and do not find yourself ending up on the wrong foot.

  • Can I dance with different people? Salsa is a very social dance. It is very hard to become a good dancer without being able to lead and follow different people. You should make sure you are able to dance successfully with people outside of the beginners class before considering moving up to level 2.

We promise that investing time up front in perfecting your basics will make things much easier and faster for you later as you progress through the levels.

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