Do I need to book?

Depends.  We run our beginners classes as a 4 week progressive course so if you are a beginner, then yes you will need to book.  You can book your beginners course here.

If you are not a beginner the rest of our class levels are run as drop in sessions and there is no need to book, you can just turn up.

Do I need to have a partner?

No. We rotate partners throughout the class to improve your leading and following technique and so you can get to know your fellow students.  
Do I need to wear special shoes?

No. You just need a comfortable shoe ideally with a smooth sole. You should avoid trainers or shoes with a grip as you may find it difficult to turn and pivot on the dance floor. As you become more experienced you may chose to invest in some dance shoes but it is not essential.  

What type of clothes should I wear?

Comfortable and cool clothing is best as you will be moving around and getting a bit of exercise.
What age group is salsa suitable for?

Any age. From 16 to 100! If you can move you can dance salsa! As a dance genre salsa attracts a wide variety of people of all ages and from all walks of life.

What type/ style of salsa do you teach?

In our weekly salsa classes we teach 'cross body on 1' salsa which is the style danced in the main clubs in London. However, our social attracts dancers of all styles e.g.. Cuban, salsa on 2 etc.

Any other questions?

Call us on 07587 781288 or email us on info@sweetlead-salsa.co.uk

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